


   Industrialisation and urrbanisation have been devoloping at a rapid rate everywhere.These are assisted by advances in science and technology.Unfortunately,the devolepment of industries and the growth of towns and cities has brought in its wake the evils of pollution.Pollution is a phenomenon which brings about an adverse change in the atmosphere and ather elements by the intoduction of extraneous matter.There is almost no place where pollution is not found,It has become a universal problems that poses much heath hazard.Finding solution to the problem of pollution often baffles the ingenuity of man even today when science has made many things possible.

   The effects of air pollution are many.Firstly,air pollution is the main cause of haze problems.The quality of air deterirates thus,causing haze problems.This is due to open burning done by inconsiderate people and also nature is another factor because forest fires also cause haze problems.The pure fresh air becomes a rare commoity.Another common effect of air pollution is health hazards.Due to haze, people become victims of lung diseases and other breathing problems such as itchiness.The emission of Thick smoke from factories pollutes the air all around.Many also suffer from new and strange ailments which defy the skill of even the best of doctors.

   Acid rain is also a common effect of air pollution.Acid rain is a threat to agriculture and also wildlife.The growth of crops deteriorates and the soil becomes infertile.Due to this, farmers suffer from poor income.As for animals, acid rain causes them to die because their bodies cannot withstand the effect to acid rain.Measures can be taken to overcome air pollution.One of the measures is the goverment should enforce stricter rules and regulations against open burning.As a result of burning,smoke and gas are emitted from big industries and factories.Heavy fines must be imposed on the owners of these factories.Heavy fines must be imposed on the owners of these factories for causing air pollution.Similarly, those who do open burning must be fined in order to teach them a lesson.

   Another measure by which air pollution can be reduced is making the public aware of the threats of air pollution.Many people are irresponsible and do not care about the effects of burning.Campaigns and motivational talks can be carried out to create public awareness.

   The final measure is car pooling.Nowadays, the number of vehicles increasing badly on the road with countless.This is one of the main reason for the cause of air pollution.To reduce this, people going to work at the same place can do car-pooling to decrease smoke emission.Another way is by using unleaded petrol.Car owners must be encouraged to use more unleaded petrol.If all the above measures are taken, the problem of air pollution can be at least reduced even if it cannot be eradicated completly.


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